Aku sekarang tengah MC dua hari sebab...tetiba aku rasa sejuk ya amat sangat masa kat opis, pastu on the way balik rumah aku kena sakit kepala yang ala-ala migrain tu sampai kena makan pain killer baru sakit tu hilang. Nasib baik pada hari kejadian En.Hubby baru sampai ke KL dari outstation maka ada orang nak tolong drive kan kereta balik ke rumah. Kalaulah time tu aku sensorang dan dengan nak kena handle anak-anak sendiri maka maunya aku drive kereta pegi ER kat hospital terdekat.
Oh ya, dalam masa aku rasa sejuk sampai gigil-gigil tu, breast aku sebelah kiri rasa sangat sakit macam ada jarum kat dalam. Yang peliknya walaupun aku rasa sejuk gigil tapi temperature badan aku tak la panas pun macam kebiasaan org demam. Esoknya aku pegi klinik dan doktor pun check aku...jeng,jeng,jeng...rupa-rupanya aku kena Blocked Milk Dutc yang dah ada infection...huhuhu. Baru aku teringat sebelum aku kena serangan sejuk tu aku baru lepas pam susu tapi breast aku still rasa tak kosong walau pun aku pam dah hazab lama giler. Dah time tu kat opis takkan aku nak hadap pam tu berjam-jam sampai aku puas hati yang breast aku dah kosong kot...mau kena fired dengan boss karang. Tak sangka la pulak dalam sejam lebih lepas tu aku terus kena attack....
Nak tau lebih lanjut pasal benda tu...?? Jom baca sama-sama....
Blocked Milk Duct Treatment and Prevention
Nurse Frequently
Nurse frequently and long enough to make sure baby is removing enough milk.
Remove the milk by breastfeeding your baby on the affected side. If your baby has not emptied your breast, use a breast pump or hand express your milk.
Use Optimal Positioning Techniques
Make sure the baby is latched on well and try different breastfeeding positions.
Drain the breast better by nursing with baby's chin pointing towards the affected area.
Apply Heat and Massage
Rub and massage the area while in a warm shower or bath.
Apply moist hot packs to your breasts before feeding. The heat enables the milk ducts to open better and allows for better milk drainage.
You can make your own reusable heat pack.
Use massage and heat packs on the affected side while you breastfeed. After applying heat and your breast is still warm, massage from your armpit down to your nipple.
Get enough rest (I know that one is easier said than done!).
Avoid putting pressure on one area of the breast for an length of time and wear a comfortable and well fitted nursing bra.
Use Cooling Techniques for Pain Relief
You may apply cool pads or Cool Relief Packs for pain relief
Creams and Ointments
It is best to wash breasts with warm water and to stay away from most soaps and creams which may irritate you or the baby and could even cause an allergic reaction.
The only recommended ointment is a highly purified lanolin for breastfeeding mothers that has the allergens removed.
Remove Milk Plugs
It is safe to squeeze out the milk plugs as long as it is done gently and hygienically. It is sometimes possible to massage the affected breast until a white head at the end appears at the end of a duct on your nipple. Apply moist heat and carefully pop the blister with a sterile needle. By gently squeezing you will unplug the nipple openning. Use an antibiotic ointment for a few days to prevent infection.
Don't overdo it in the gym with vigorous upper arm exercise if you are prone to plugged milk ducts.
Often women who are more prone to getting plugged or blocked milk ducts notice an improvement after 5 or 6 months of breastfeeding.
Signs for Concern
When a plugged duct persists and is accompanied by additional symptoms, it may be a sign of an infection that requires medical treatment.
Always consult with your doctor if you experience the following:
Fever for 24 hours
Sudden onset of chills
General feeling of being unwell
Kesemua simptom kat atas aku dah kena kecuali demam 24 jam tu, aku demam tapi takde la lama sampai 24 jam. Doktor suruh aku rajin-rajin kosongkan breast tu dan habiskan antibiotik yang dia bagi. Kalau keadaan masih sama, dia suruh aku pegi balik dan maybe aku kena di refer ke hospital untuk operate dan buat clog tu.
Seriously aku tengah takut sekarang dan sedih jugak sebab terpaksa hadapi semua ni. Aku takut kalau-kalau dah takleh terus menyusukan Muhammad selepas ni. Kesian kat Muhammad yang baru je 9 bulan, dah tu pulak si abang encem ni kan lactose intolerence so mesti susah dia nak sesuaikan diri dengan susu formula.
Apa-apa pun aku kena redha dengan ketentuan Allah, maybe ada hikmah disebalik semua kejadian ni.
Ya Allah, Kau permudahkanlah urusan kami ini...amin.
Oh ya, dalam masa aku rasa sejuk sampai gigil-gigil tu, breast aku sebelah kiri rasa sangat sakit macam ada jarum kat dalam. Yang peliknya walaupun aku rasa sejuk gigil tapi temperature badan aku tak la panas pun macam kebiasaan org demam. Esoknya aku pegi klinik dan doktor pun check aku...jeng,jeng,jeng...rupa-rupanya aku kena Blocked Milk Dutc yang dah ada infection...huhuhu. Baru aku teringat sebelum aku kena serangan sejuk tu aku baru lepas pam susu tapi breast aku still rasa tak kosong walau pun aku pam dah hazab lama giler. Dah time tu kat opis takkan aku nak hadap pam tu berjam-jam sampai aku puas hati yang breast aku dah kosong kot...mau kena fired dengan boss karang. Tak sangka la pulak dalam sejam lebih lepas tu aku terus kena attack....
Nak tau lebih lanjut pasal benda tu...?? Jom baca sama-sama....
Blocked Milk Duct Treatment and Prevention
Nurse Frequently
Nurse frequently and long enough to make sure baby is removing enough milk.
Remove the milk by breastfeeding your baby on the affected side. If your baby has not emptied your breast, use a breast pump or hand express your milk.
Use Optimal Positioning Techniques
Make sure the baby is latched on well and try different breastfeeding positions.
Drain the breast better by nursing with baby's chin pointing towards the affected area.
Apply Heat and Massage
Rub and massage the area while in a warm shower or bath.
Apply moist hot packs to your breasts before feeding. The heat enables the milk ducts to open better and allows for better milk drainage.
You can make your own reusable heat pack.
Use massage and heat packs on the affected side while you breastfeed. After applying heat and your breast is still warm, massage from your armpit down to your nipple.
Get enough rest (I know that one is easier said than done!).
Avoid putting pressure on one area of the breast for an length of time and wear a comfortable and well fitted nursing bra.
Use Cooling Techniques for Pain Relief
You may apply cool pads or Cool Relief Packs for pain relief
Creams and Ointments
It is best to wash breasts with warm water and to stay away from most soaps and creams which may irritate you or the baby and could even cause an allergic reaction.
The only recommended ointment is a highly purified lanolin for breastfeeding mothers that has the allergens removed.
Remove Milk Plugs
It is safe to squeeze out the milk plugs as long as it is done gently and hygienically. It is sometimes possible to massage the affected breast until a white head at the end appears at the end of a duct on your nipple. Apply moist heat and carefully pop the blister with a sterile needle. By gently squeezing you will unplug the nipple openning. Use an antibiotic ointment for a few days to prevent infection.
Don't overdo it in the gym with vigorous upper arm exercise if you are prone to plugged milk ducts.
Often women who are more prone to getting plugged or blocked milk ducts notice an improvement after 5 or 6 months of breastfeeding.
Signs for Concern
When a plugged duct persists and is accompanied by additional symptoms, it may be a sign of an infection that requires medical treatment.
Always consult with your doctor if you experience the following:
Fever for 24 hours
Sudden onset of chills
General feeling of being unwell
Kesemua simptom kat atas aku dah kena kecuali demam 24 jam tu, aku demam tapi takde la lama sampai 24 jam. Doktor suruh aku rajin-rajin kosongkan breast tu dan habiskan antibiotik yang dia bagi. Kalau keadaan masih sama, dia suruh aku pegi balik dan maybe aku kena di refer ke hospital untuk operate dan buat clog tu.
Seriously aku tengah takut sekarang dan sedih jugak sebab terpaksa hadapi semua ni. Aku takut kalau-kalau dah takleh terus menyusukan Muhammad selepas ni. Kesian kat Muhammad yang baru je 9 bulan, dah tu pulak si abang encem ni kan lactose intolerence so mesti susah dia nak sesuaikan diri dengan susu formula.
Apa-apa pun aku kena redha dengan ketentuan Allah, maybe ada hikmah disebalik semua kejadian ni.
Ya Allah, Kau permudahkanlah urusan kami ini...amin.